Spanglers Scuba icon
100% Dolphin approved scuba lessons and underwater photography
100% Dolphin approved scuba lessons and underwater photography
Dates: 2024-02-22 to 2024-03-22
Location: Monterey State Beach, Monterey, California
Pagurus beringanus (Bering Hermit Crab)
Metridium senile (Plumose Anemone)
Navanax inermis (Navanax)
Calliostoma canaliculatum (Channeled Top Snail)
Chaceia ovoidea (Wart-Neck Piddock)
Sebastes auriculatus (Brown Rockfish)
Pisaster ochraceus (Ochre Star)
Neoclinus stephensae (Yellowfin Fringehead)
Anthopleura sola (Sunburst Anemone)
Doto sp.1 (Doto sp.1)
Hermissenda opalescens (Opalescent Nudibranch)
Ophiodon elongatus (Lingcod); Tiny juvenile, 2" long
Flabellinopsis iodinea (Spanish Shawl)
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