Spanglers Scuba icon
100% Dolphin approved scuba lessons and underwater photography
100% Dolphin approved scuba lessons and underwater photography
Dates: 2024-01-27 to 2024-03-26
Location: Point Lobos, California
Aldisa sanguinea (Red Aldisa)
Panulirus interruptus (California Spiny Lobster)
Urobatis halleri (Round Stingray)
Heptacarpus stylus (Stiletto Shrimp)
Velella velella (By-the-Wind Sailor)
Velella velella (By-the-Wind Sailor)
Tritonia festiva (Diamondback Tritonia)
Sebastes carnatus (Gopher Rockfish)
Uria aalge (Common Murre)
Polymastia pachymastia (Aggregated Nipple Sponge)
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