General Information
Kona is on the west side of the big island. That's the dry side of the island, so water clarity is usually pretty good. Kona is also known for its manta ray dives. I usually dive with Big Island Divers, or Jack's Dive Locker for the Pelagic Magic (black water) dive.
Kona has many dive sites accessible by boat, including Garden Eel Cove, Pipe Dreams, and Sheraton (which is typically where you do the Manta Ray night dive).
Some sites are accessible from shore, but watch for boats and you must take a dive flag on a float.
The black water dive is really cool. They take the boat three miles offshore, after 10pm, in 8000' of water. Then they toss 30' lines over the sides and tether you to them. You spend 45 minutes hanging under the boat watching little jellyfish and other pelagic organisms drift by.

Photo Albums
- Kona - May 2017
- Mantas in Kona - June 2017
- Black Water Dive in Kona - May 2017
- Kona - July 2015
- Kona - September 2014
- Black Water Dive in Kona - September 2014
- Kona - March 2014
Other Information
- Black Water (Hawaii)
- Dog Beach
- Garden Eel Cove
- Golden Arches
- Hammerhead Point
- High Rock
- Hoona Bay
- Hoover's
- Kahalu'u Beach Park
- Kaloko Arches
- Kua Bay
- Mile Marker 4
- Moray Eel Cove
- Pahoehoe Beach
- Paradise Pinnacle
- Pawai
- Pentagon
- Pine Trees Point
- Pipe Dreams
- Sheraton
- Skull Cave
- The Dome
- Turtle Heaven
- Two Step
DownOther Site