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Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Scientific name: Callianax biplicata

Taxonomy: Kingdom Animalia → Phylum Mollusca → Class Gastropoda → Subclass Caenogastropoda → Order Neogastropoda → Superfamily Olivoidea → Family Olividae → Subfamily Olivellinae → Genus Callianax

Common name: Olive Snail
Locations: Eastern Pacific
Group: Marine LifeInvertebratesSea Snails

Olive snails can extend its mantle all the way around its shell. That's why olive snail shells are shiny, compared with shells where the snail stays on the bottom.

These are often found in large numbers in the sand just past the surf zone.

Other images:
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Grainyhand hermit crab on right
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
Callianax biplicata (Olive Snail)
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