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100% Dolphin approved scuba lessons and underwater photography
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Scientific name: Chaetopteridae sp.1

Taxonomy: Kingdom Animalia → Phylum Annelida → Class Polychaeta → Subclass Sedentaria → Family Chaetopteridae

Common name: Jointed Tubeworm
Locations: Eastern Pacific
Group: Marine LifeInvertebratesTube Worms

Could be Spiochaetopterus or Phyllochaetopterus; requires microscopic examination to distinguish.

(Not Spiochaetopterus costarum, which is a Mediterranean/ European species.)

ID by Leslie Harris, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles.

Other images:
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
Chaetopteridae sp.1 (Jointed Tubeworm)
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